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Mark 10:10-12

10 And in the house the disciples asked him again about this matter.11 And he said to them, Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her,12 and if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.

(Hebrews 9:27-28) -- "Freedom from the Lie and the Torment of Reincarnation"
Biblical Reference / Church / World Religions & Worldviews
(Mark 10:11-12) -- "Biblical Compassion on the Matter of Divorce and Remarriage"
Biblical Reference / Family / Adultery & Fornication
(Mark 10:11-12) -- "Biblical Compassion on the Matter of Divorce and Remarriage"
Biblical Reference / Family / Divorce
(1 Corinthians 7:10-14) -- "Paul Says, 'Stay Married'"
Biblical Reference / Family / Divorce
(Luke 10:36-37) -- "The Radical Nature of the Good Samaritan"
Biblical Reference / Virtue / Compassion
(Mark 10:51-52) -- "The Call of Faith"
Biblical Reference / Virtue / Faith
"Can the Rich Be Saved?" -- Clement of Alexandra [c. 153 - c. 215]
Historical Precedents / Economics / Poverty & Wealth
"Marriage and Women in the Pagan World of Bible Times" -- [BC]
Historical Precedents / Family / Adultery & Fornication
"Marriage and Women in the Pagan World of Bible Times" -- [BC]
Historical Precedents / Family / Marriage & Family
"Letter to the Bishop" -- Robert A. J. Gagnon (1958 - )
Quotations & Writings / Church / The Church in Decline
"Letter to the Bishop" -- Robert A. J. Gagnon (1958 - )
Quotations & Writings / Family / Homosexuality & Transgenderism
"What the 'Word of Faith' Movement Is Saying"
Current Trends / Church / The Church in Decline
"The Discipline of Simplicity"
Current Trends / Church / Spiritual Disciplines
"What's Wrong with Living Together Unmarried?"
Current Trends / Family / Adultery & Fornication
"Mainline Parishioners Are Waking Up to the Evils of Easy Divorce"
Current Trends / Family / Divorce
"The Biblical Marriage Worldview"
Current Trends / Family / Marriage & Family
"What the 'Word of Faith' Movement Is Saying"
Current Trends / Virtue / Faith
"What’s Wrong with Living Together Unmarried?"