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Luke 4:23
23 And he said to them, Doubtless you will quote to me this proverb, Physician, heal yourself. What we have heard you did at Capernaum, do here in your hometown as well.
(2 Kings 5:1-3) -- "The Prophet's Agent"
Biblical Reference / Church / The Pastor, Culture & Public Duty
"Can the Rich Be Saved?" -- Clement of Alexandra [c. 153 - c. 215]
Historical Precedents / Economics / Poverty & Wealth
"Dominion over Lions Easier than over Oneself" -- Basil of Caesarea (c. 329 - 379)
Quotations & Writings / Church / Spiritual Disciplines
"'What Crime Can Be Conceived So Atrocious?'" -- Francis Wayland (1796 - 1865)
Quotations & Writings / Corruption / Prejudice
"'What Crime Can Be Conceived So Atrocious?'" -- Francis Wayland (1796 - 1865)
Quotations & Writings / Government / Punishment
"'What Crime Can Be Conceived So Atrocious?'" -- Francis Wayland (1796 - 1865)
Quotations & Writings / Virtue / Justice