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Leviticus 18:18
18 And you shall not take a woman as a rival wife to her sister, uncovering her nakedness while her sister is still alive.

(1 Corinthians 5:1-2) -- "Not Even Among Pagans!"
Biblical Reference / Church / The Church in Decline
(Leviticus 19:35-36) -- "Markets & Morality"
Biblical Reference / Corruption / Greed
(Leviticus 20:13, 15) -- "The Wages of Homosexuality"
Biblical Reference / Family / Homosexuality & Transgenderism
(Exodus 20:12a, 14, 17b) -- "Barbed Wire"
Biblical Reference / Family / Marriage & Family
(Jeremiah 7:30-31) -- "When God's People Do Detestable Things in the Name of Religion"
Biblical Reference / Sanctity of Life / Abortion & Infanticide
(Genesis 30:1-2) -- "The Pain of Infertility"
Biblical Reference / Sanctity of Life / Contraception & Fertility
(Leviticus 18:21) -- "Sacrificing the Unborn to the Idols of Our Age"
Biblical Reference / Sanctity of Life / Stem-Cell Research, Cloning & Biotechnology
"Oscar Wilde's Trial: The Importance of Being Earnest about Sin" -- [1895]
Historical Precedents / Family / Homosexuality & Transgenderism
"'Paying the Price for Being Prophetic'" -- Aake Green (1942 - )
Quotations & Writings / Church / The Church's Prophetic Voice
"'Paying the Price for Being Prophetic'" -- Aake Green (1942 – )
Quotations & Writings / Family / Homosexuality & Transgenderism
"Wives: Who's Counting?" -- Francis Turretin (1623 - 1687)
Quotations & Writings / Family / Marriage & Family
"Homosexuality and the Wisdom of the Ages"
Current Trends / Family / Homosexuality & Transgenderism
"The Biblical Marriage Worldview"
Current Trends / Family / Marriage & Family