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湯瑪斯•貝肯(Thomas Becon)是英國宗教改革時期跟隨湯瑪斯•克藍麥 (Thomas Cranmer)的牧師。他師從修•拉提摩 (Hugh Latimer),後來成為那個時代關於婚姻最有影響力的作家。他也翻譯了歐洲大陸宗教改革家布靈格 (Bullinger)和布瑟 (Bucer)在這個主題上的重要作品。本文摘錄自他的著作《婚姻之書》,他在其中論證說,婚姻是社會(公共利益)的基礎,是公義領袖們的學校。



湯瑪斯•貝肯(Thomas Becon),《婚姻之書》,對開本,DCxlix:小約翰•維特(John Witte, Jr.)《從神聖制度到契約》(Louisville, Westminster John Knox, 1997),第258頁。本文譯自喬治•阿蘭•桑伯利(Gregory Alan Thornbury)2003年在《關鍵時刻雜誌》發表的原文。原文如下:“For being that a city standeth of houses, and the common weal of private things, and of ruling of a household and family, the discipline to govern a common weal is ordained: how shall he rule a citye that hath not learned to rule a house: how shall he govern a common weal that new knew his private and familier businesse . . . For truly matrimony geveth a great exercise to morall Philosophe. For it hathe a certain householde common weale annexed, in rulinge that whyche a manne may sone learne and have experience of wisdom, temperaunce, love to god and his kinne, and al other virtues.”