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Topic: Prejudice

God created all people in His image. The one who despises any ethnic group despises what God treasures.

"The First Christian Abolitionist" -- Gregory of Nyssa (c. 330 - c. 395)
"The Law of Christian Love" -- Martin Luther (1483 – 1546)
"'Are These Not Men?'" -- Antonio de Montesinos (1511)
"A Public Letter against Inhumane Treatment of Slaves" -- George Whitefield (1714 – 1770)
"The Best Human Policy" -- John Newton (1725 - 1807)
"The Emptiness of Robes and Rags" -- Thomas Chalmers (1780 - 1847)
"'What Crime Can Be Conceived So Atrocious?'" -- Francis Wayland (1796 - 1865)
"Mercy? 'Not much, we think.'" -- William Apess (1798 – 1839)
"Darwin's Shocking, and Revealing, Subtitle" -- Charles Darwin (1809 - 1882) public
"Prejudice Falls Out of Fashion" -- Frederick Douglass (c. 1817 – 1895)
"No Nations Incapable" -- Charles Spurgeon (1834 – 1892)
"For Civilization, a New and Better Sexual Ethic Is Indispensable" -- Bertrand Russell (1872 – 1970)
"Racism as Political Strategy" -- Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)
"'Then Allah brought Hitler to rule over [the Jews]'" -- Sayyid Qutb (1903 –1966)
"'How Could I Hate the Jew?'" -- Francis Schaeffer (1912 – 1984)
"The Emancipation of Women Is Noxious to Traditional Muslims" -- Bernard Lewis (1916 - )
"The Security of Stained Glass" -- Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929 – 1968) public
"'Our Unavoidable Impatience'" -- Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929 – 1968)
"Color Blind?" -- John R. W. Stott (1921 - 2011)
"Deprived, Not Depraved?" -- Richard Rorty (1931 – )
"A Blood-of-Jesus Issue" -- John Piper (1946 – ) public
"'Multiculturalism Has Run Its Course'" -- Jonathan Sacks (1948 - )
"The Arrogance of Multiculturalism" -- Theodore Dalrymple (1949 – )
"Growing into 'the Clothes of Racial Reconciliation'" -- Robert Smith, Jr. (1949 – )
"Let Me Tell You about Prejudice" -- Robert Oliver (2004)
"Samaritans and Unborn Babies" -- Timothy George